Rhinoplasty: plastic surgery with rare complications

 Rhinoplasty plastic surgery with rare complications

Plastic surgery of the nose or rhinoplasty allows a harmony of the face and is carried out without real postoperative constraints, which makes it very popular. Update on this surgical intervention.

Rhinoplasty is a surgical operation that changes the shape of the nose to harmonize it with the chin and the rest of the face. The plastic surgeon has the duty to respect the nose by manipulating, under the skin, the position of the cartilage and the bones constituting its framework. It can also rework the cartilages of the nostrils and the subcutaneous tissues. If the goal of the intervention is respiratory discomfort, then we speak of functional correction. The quality of the skin has a direct impact on the quality of the final result which must be natural.

What are the indications for rhinoplasty?

Bumps, dilated nostrils, too-round points, nasal deformities, fractures, or even breathing problems, there are plenty of reasons for performing a rhinoplasty. The disfavor of the nose or its aging lead to an obsession that pushes to practice plastic surgery. The specialist will decrease, lengthen or shorten the bony and cartilaginous parts, of the nose so that it regains a graceful appearance. In order to respect the morphology of the face, the operation can be combined with a genioplasty which will correct the chin (see also “how to get rid of a double chin”).

How is rhinoplasty performed?

After a preoperative consultation, hospitalization can take place and lasts from 24 to 48 hours. On D-day, it takes 1 hour and 30 minutes of intervention. The practitioner uses the open or closed method. The first, more frequent and precise, consists of an incision under the columella by lifting the skin of the nose. The second is an incision through the nostrils. The doctor removes excess bone, grafts the cartilage, or shrinks the alar cartilage, depending on the correction. The operation ends with the placement of wicks in the nasal cavities, removed the next day.

Does rhinoplasty hurt?

Rhinoplasty is one of the less painful plastic surgeries. It takes place in most cases under general anesthesia and rarely presents postoperative pain, other than the consequences of the anesthesia itself (malaise and fatigue). Anyway, analgesics are prescribed on discharge from the clinic. What can be annoying is the fact of breathing through the mouth following the endonasal wick, but this does not present significant pain.

What are the complications of rhinoplasty?

There are no real complications following a rhinoplasty. However, in quite rare cases, problems such as:

  • necrosis: mortification of the skin;
  • infection ;
  • smell disturbances;
  • visual disturbances;
  • hematoma in the ears.

It is more common to notice side reactions that subside in the first few days, such as:

  • bleeding from the nose;
  • tearing;
  • facial edema;
  • facial hematoma.

Later, risks of delayed healing or a result showing imperfections are possible and require retouching.

What are the postoperative consequences of a rhinoplasty?

If a day of rest is sufficient to resume activities, the surgeon’s instructions must be observed. A metal ferrule placed on the nose for a week must remain in place. The nose requires cleaning with saline and gauze, but it is excluded to blow the nose. Do not use glasses or contact lenses for a few days. No sun exposure for 3 months. Regular checks make it possible to assess the progress of the result which will be visible after one year.

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