Eyelid rejuvenation: laser or surgery?

Eyelid rejuvenation laser or surgery

Restoring a youthful look is one of the most rewarding interventions. But what to choose? Surgery or laser, which is starting to find a place in aesthetics? Update with two specialists.

Laser technology in detail

The aesthetic doctor uses a Plexr laser (contraction of “plasma” and “resection”). It proceeds by successive impacts, to create a line of lesion points on the lower or upper eyelid. The “microwells” heal by retracting, which tightens the skin and gives radiance to the eyes. Duration: 20 to 30 minutes. The results are visible just after and improve as the healing progresses. Three or four sessions spaced a month apart, may be necessary.

The price: Around € 500 per session, depending on the area to be treated.

Advantages: It is a non-invasive method that does not require special preparation. No anesthesia, just an application of Emla® cream (local anesthetic) one hour before the treatment. The consequences are slight: there is no bleeding, but the formation of small scabs that make up attenuates. It is therefore not necessary to take time off from work.

The inconveniences: It is a “surface” treatment that still prohibits sun exposure until complete healing. Complications are rare, but we can sometimes see lesions of the skin or observe discoloration at the level of the impacts. A second intervention, after the aging of the eyelids, is not recommended.

The expert’s opinion: “The technique, still little evaluated, can turn out to be disappointing if the eyelids are too relaxed. This is why it is intended preferably for those less than 50 years, who heal well and suffer from slightly drooping eyelids, wrinkled, but without puffiness. fat, in order to postpone the possibility of surgery “ explains Dr. Jean-Michel Mazer, dermatologist, and laser specialist.

Surgery under scrutiny

After a preoperative visit and a meeting with the anesthesiologist, local anesthesia is performed (you must be able to move your eyes during the procedure). The surgeon removes the excess skin, then sutures with a very fine thread. It can also fill a hollow ring or a very deep crease on the upper eyelid by injecting fat cells (lipofilling) taken from the patient’s body. We usually go out on the same day. The final result is visible after three months, the time for the tissues to regain their flexibility.

The price: About € 2,000 for two eyelids. Count 4,000 € if you use lipofilling.

Advantages: The results are lasting, around ten years. And it is possible to operate again. Possible complications (round eye, for example) are rare now and can be corrected without a problem.

The inconveniences: Thanks to the new scalpels (using electric current), the bleeding is reduced and the bruises, are very discreet. However, we have to keep our sons for a short week. A few days off are welcome.

The expert’s opinion: “Blepharoplasty is now perfectly under control and we can now correct practically all the defects: hollow eyes, very sunken eyelids, bags. In the end, it involves less risk than laser procedures or peels to erase the wrinkles of the skin. bridle” explains Dr. Catherine Bergeret-Galley, the aesthetic plastic surgeon.

Which specialist to contact?

Word of mouth is a source of information … not always enough.

The laser technique is a matter of aesthetic medicine, but not all practitioners are familiar with this method. Info about www.afme.org

To find a surgeon near home, consult the directories put online by professional companies: www.plasticiens.fr (Sofcpre site) or www.chirurgiens-esthetics-plasticiens.com (Sofcep site).

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