Types of Headaches And Locations

Types of Headaches And Locations

Most people experience headaches sometimes or others in their life. It is not actually a disease but some symptom that tells you that there is something wrong in the system. There are different types of headaches and locations.

A throbbing headache can really make a person miserable it can grow in one’s day. One may have less patience and Toleration for other people. One becomes more susceptible to certain physical and mental problems.

Different Types of Headaches And Locations

Today I am going to talk about the yogic management of headaches. There are three common types of headaches:

The first one is a tension headache. It feels like a tight band of squeezing pressure around the head.

The second type is migraine. It manifests as a throbbing or pulsing pain on the side of your head.

The third type is a cluster headache. In this type, severe pain concentrated around the eye is experienced.

Migraine Headache

Today let’s see the details of causes and solutions for migraine headaches.

Now let’s see the symptoms. A migraine can cause severe throbbing pain or a pulsing sensation usually on one side of the head. It is often accompanied by nausea vomiting and extreme sensitivity to light and sound. The attacks can last for about 4 to 72 hours.

Migraine Headache

If kept untreated the pain could be more severe that really interfere with your daily activities. How often migraine occurs varies from person to person. It might occur rarely or strike several times a month.

One or two days before the migraine one might notice subtle changes which can be like a warning for an upcoming migraine.

Symptoms of Migraine

These changes include constipation, mood changes from depression to too much happiness, food cravings, neck stiffness increased thirst and urination, and frequent yawning.

For some people, a warning symptom called an aura occurs before or with the headache. An aura can include visual disturbances such as flashes of light or blind spots or other disturbances such as tingling on one side of the face or in the arm or legs and difficulty in speaking.

After an attack, one might feel drained out and even confused and tired for a day. The sudden head movement might bring certain pain for some time. The exact cause of migraine is not known. However, there are certain things that can act as triggers.

Headaches And Locations

Stress is a major role in the stimulation of migraine missing sleep, oversleeping or jet lag may trigger migraine in some cases. Changes in the atmospheric pressure or low oxygen level may lead to migraine.

Most migraine sufferers are women. In women fluctuation of estrogen levels before menstruation or during menstruation. Also, pregnancy and menopause can lead to headaches.

In many women, it is often found that there is some family history of inherited tendencies that can also cause headaches. Bright light, sun glare, and loud sounds can induce migraine. Strong smells like perfume, a paint thinner, and passive smoking can trigger attacks.

Alcohol especially wine and too much caffeine and even coffee may attack certain people. Headache can also be a side effect of certain medications like oral contraceptives over exertion certain foods and food additives.

Yogic Ways to Instant Relaxation to Different Types of Headaches And Locations

In yoga, there are four important lifestyle aspects to manage any symptoms or ailments.

1. Aahar– food management of food

2. Vihaar– relaxation, recreation exercise, and sleep.

3. Aachaar– behavioral pattern and

4. Vichaar-thought processes.

1. Aahar

In Aahar first, let us make a list of the food which one can have a magnesium-rich diet as it can prevent general and menstrual-related migraine.

Nuts such as almonds, leafy green vegetables such as spinach, and other green leafy vegetables legumes, and whole grains are also very good sources of breakfast.

Types of Headaches

Chewing and inhaling the smell of mint leaves can help release migration. Having ginger tea, and ginger Julians can also help. Herbal tea with ginger mint lemongrass can help reduce pain.

Eat a Sattvic diet that can keep your gut healthy. Have plenty of water and fruit.

Stay hydrated as dehydration is one of the triggering factors in migraines. Water consumption should be increased when there is a change in the atmospheric pressure or when the oxygen level falls. If a headache is accompanied by constipation then follow a diet suitable for constipation.

Try to avoid any food that triggers migraine to reduce the frequency of attacks. Learn to identify or trigger foods such as red wine, cheeses preservatives like monosodium glutamate or Ajinomoto, and nitrate.

Artificial sweeteners, chocolates, dairy products, refined salt pickles, processed high sugar-related foods, and fermented foods may trigger migraine.

Avoid caffeinated drinks like tea coffee green tea and soda.

2. Vihara

In Vihara, there are yogic management methods such as rest and recreation. Recreational activities are very important in a day that would relax a person instantly like gardening, nature walking, and swimming.

Avoid activities that put lots of stress on the body. Also, expose the body to harsh sun and other environmental factors. Avoid loud sounds and lights while choosing recreational activities.


Regular good sleep is very important in maintaining good sleep hygiene and always sleeping on time. Read from the scriptures before going to bed. If one doesn’t get sleep practice at least 30 rounds of Yogendra pranayam number four which is diaphragmic breathing while lying down in bed.

Practice regular relaxation techniques like Nispand Bhava and Shavasana. It is also good for managing stress. One should get plenty of rest post a migraine attack. In low atmospheric pressure, one should avoid exertion and rest as much as possible.

Sometimes headaches could be a result of low vitamin D however be careful if one’s trigger factor includes harsh Sun bright light and temperature.

3. Aachar

The third is Aachar. This is about routines during the time of attack practice Shavasana very systematically and even Yogendra Pranayam number four.

This will instantly bring relief to the pain. Maintain regular meal timings and avoid stomach-related problems like excessive bloating and acidity.

To find out the cause of the headache it is advisable to maintain a paper diary or a digital diary for a few months mentioning all the details such as the date of occurrence, the duration of intensity, food taken prior to a headache, and emotional state before the headache.

This will help to identify the factors provoking the headache and accordingly we have to make the solution about it.


Limiting exposure to strong sun bright light and sunshine can aggravate migraine. Whenever one goes out in the sun you use an umbrella or a cap. Regular exercises release this tension.

All forward-bending Asanas like Hastapadasanayoga mudra, and Shashankasana, will help with migraine. During an attack, one should lie down on the stomach in bed with the head hanging low for some time and put a cool towel or ice pack on the nape of the neck.

Taking regular breaks from digital devices and screens is important to protect your eyes and neck from strain. Avoid using strong perfumes and balms. Avoid overmedication as it can cause acidity which in turn can increase or cause headaches.

Regular head and foot massages can definitely provide relief.

4. Vichaar

Lastly, we come to the fourth step which is the Vichaar-thought process.  Being aware of the emotional state which can trigger attacks and cultivating Jnana Bhava can help in developing awareness about a triggering factor.


Acceptance of the situation will really help one to be at peace with himself. Practice Anitya Bhayana and accept pain as a temporary measure.

It is indeed difficult to function effectively when one suffers from a headache. Now that you know all about the yogic management of headaches bring these techniques into your life and heal yourself naturally.

Practice yoga for headaches as a preventive measure and see the difference for yourself.


In conclusion, headaches are a common ailment that can have a variety of causes and symptoms. There are several different types of headaches and locations including tension headaches, migraines, and cluster headaches, each of which have distinct characteristics and can affect different locations in the head.

It is important to consult a healthcare professional if you experience persistent or severe headaches, as they can be a symptom of a more serious underlying condition. Understanding the different types of headaches and the locations they affect can help in the diagnosis and treatment of headaches.

Thanks for reading this article. Have a great day.

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