Long hair: a beauty blogger’s trick to pass

 Long hair: a beauty blogger’s trick to pass

How to transform your long hair into short without a single cut of scissors? Sarah Angius revealed the trick on Instagram in a video tutorial.

With more than 230,000 subscribers on Youtube and 3.1 million followers on Instagram, Sarah Angius is part of this new galaxy of beauty “influencers”. Passionate about hairstyles, the beauty blogger who graduated from the Rotterdam Hairdressing Academy shines on social networks with her hairstyle tutorials easy to reproduce at home. Each post elicits waves of comments from its admirers. In a matter of seconds, she shows how to change your head as quickly as it does your dress. Sometimes curly, straight hair, pulled up in a bun, in a holiday hairstyle …

In her latest buzz video posted on Instagram, Sarah Angius shares her tip for shortening her long hair in a shortcut without cutting a single strand. She starts by making a ponytail that she pulls up over her head and ties up with a bun pin. Then she arranges the twist carefully around her head, backing up a few strands. The result, bluffing, gives a boyish cut. To try at home!

Sources of inspiration to change your mind

Want an original hairstyle for the holidays? Glamorous fit, banana bun, curly-messyponytail couture… Also, discover our other ideas for hairstyles to adopt for New Years' Eve.

And if you are not good at do-it-yourself hairstyles, the best thing is to entrust your haircut to a hairdresser who will give you tips for you. highlight according to the shape of your face.

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